Life Update | June 2024

It has sincerely been a long time since the last time I updated my blog and honestly I feel ashamed for all the big dreams that I had for this place, registered it, talked about it with almost everyone that this is going to be the next big thing in my life and all the sudden when it came to action phases, we all saw what happened; nothing! A few short posts and then gone for a long time.

But I don’t want to make this a habit and want to break it here, for now. It is hard to create a good content, you need good ideas, rich mindset, a lot of knowledge, some wisdom and a decent amount of time to sit down and type what you have had in you mind.

But I just want to write life updates for now and leave the rest of higher quality contect for later. I don’t know whether it would be worth writing it or not, or whomever would read it later but I am going to write it down.

There are for sure so many reasons that I have been postponing writing on this blog for a while. A few to mention would be: Lack of Self-discipline, Shortage of free time and always getting busy with daily projects, perfectionism, talking about it, rather than walkin, and low self-esteem.

I will talk about the other reasons maybe later but for now I wanted to mention that the last factor maybe is the strongest one. Blogging or Vlogging in my opinion requires a lot of courage that not everyone and every personality has. Especially, a personality that has a low self-esteem and always think about others opinions more than their opinions.

I know deep down in the bottom of my heart it is the fear of public, those I don’t know but I care about how they see me and judge me, prevents me to come here and write about everything that I want and however I would like to write about.

The struggle has always existed, it exists for almost everything in your life. Specially for your dreams.

When you want to take the inituitive and start doing things continually, it matters to trust on yourself and on your vision of your future self.

Forget about the past, forget about the judgements, failures, others preferences and dreams and stick to yours. Make yours come true and happening, rather than others.

I think this sould be good for now. I am very sleeping and want to go to bed now. It was a very long day and tommorow I go to work at 9 o’clock.