Every Perfection is the sum of Practice and Patience

Every perfection is a combination of practice and patience.

When you see a perfect performance by a pianist you might ask yourself how come that person can do such complicated tasks which require the coordination of several fingers and two hands at the same time with the correct pitch and rhythm. But what takes is that practice makes perfect and practice is what increases our chance to get closer and closer to perfection even if we never reach that point.

With this mindset, you would become process-oriented and also more patient toward doing the hard things that require time and energy and are not easy to master. Each step and obstacle is like a challenge to create a better version of your work.

Learn to love repetition and embrace it, because it is only then that you can claim I have mastered a specific skill or I am on the path of mastery. No skill worth learning is without lots of repetition and only patient students are those who will make it happen and get out of the hard path.

There are so many examples of the magic combination of practice and patience in the real world. From learning to code to learning to draw, and the more you resist and not quit the higher the chances of your success. Even science also grows but more and more repetition and different experiments, some of them through the life-span of the researchers and some of them even continues to grow after the death of experimenters. Get used to repeating this over and over again and each time, do it a little bit better, over time it compounds and gives you better outcomes.