The Advice to My Younger Self: Just F*cking Do It

There are so many things that I wish I had known when I was younger. There are so many things. I tried so many things in my life and failed at so many things, but as I remember, one of my most significant weaknesses was getting engaged with how to do something rather than starting to do it. And I do regret that. Being able to take action quickly and not to be a perfectionist is a valuable asset. Trying so many things, starting them, failing at them and not seeing any results but still not quitting them is what makes us successful in the long run because even if we die, we still have learned a lot of things and have grown our perspective so much more in our life.
If you have any ideas, I am writing this to myself first; if you want to do something, start it when you could be better and continue to do it repeatedly. I started this blog many times but quit a couple of times, which I genuinely regret. This is not a perfect blog, but I must do it perfectly. I have to know everything in life to start doing it. Time passes and moves on, and you realize that you are still on the first step and have not accomplished anything greater because you have procrastinated and delayed starting and continuing that thing you always wanted to do, and only regrets will remain and left for you. Remember to think about the ending path. Just start doing it, and the rest will follow. My dear self you don’t need to know how to do a sure thing; you just need to do it and literally start doing it a following some steps towards it.