At least you have tried

By the end of the day

When you are tired

When there is no hope

When there is all doubt

When there are all critiques

When that voice in your head doesn’t let you go

When there is no money left

When no one cheers you up

When you are all fearful and anxious

When you feel depressed

When you are too scared

When there is all debt

When there is no way out

At least you know you have tried

You have done your best

Nothing left you can do

No more effort left to put in

No more dreams left to follow

No more hope left to have

No more money to spend

No more friends to rely on

Nothing but feeling of failure, hopelessness

Nothing but the emptiness of life

Except …

You know there is another day

Another beginning

Another chance

Another fresh start

Another opportunity

Another day of optimism

Another day to try harder

Another day to try a new approach

Another day to make a new friend

Another day to find joy and happiness

As long as you are alive, life has given you a second chance

This time either you make it, or you go through this cycle again

Whatever the result, life always gives you a second chance