Merry Chrismas 2024 | Reflection On The Year that Past and Also my future

It is Christmas Eve again, and I am reflecting on the year that passed for me.
I made many brave decisions, finally made the move I wanted, and came to Canada.
I have lived in this country for more than a year, and it has given me a lot of experiences. Once, I wrote how happy and grateful I am to be here, but still, many bad decisions I made in my past hindered my growth, and if I hadn’t made them, I could have been in a better situation at the same age.
But anyway. We all make mistakes, and I am no exception. I learned a lot and followed many different paths than most people my age don’t. I need to work harder to be in the same position as others, and I want to do many things with my precious life.
Moments go away quickly, faster than we think, and soon we realize it is late.
I am slowly turning 24 and am no longer 18. I can’t believe how fast it passed. So fast, I am still shocked that I am hitting a quarter of my life.
Let’s not focus on the past; let’s focus on the future.
In the coming year, I have many goals and want to focus on a couple of essential things:
I want to continue learning French.
I want to continue working out.
I want to continue writing on this blog (And also have more presence on Social Media because I haven’t used most of these platforms since I was 18).
I want to visit and discover the greater Vancouver because although I have been here for a year, I think I didn’t spend enough time to see most of the places and was too busy to get established in a new city. I want to take a bus and go to the depths of Surrey, Coquitlam, and Langley.

I wish you all an excellent year and hope everyone enjoys the holiday.