The Best Moment for Doing Something

The best time to study medicine is at age 18, when you have just graduated from high school and are young.
The best time to become an athlete or a bodybuilder is to start from early developing ages until your early 20s.
The best time to graduate with a four-year college degree is at age 22.
The best time to get married is when you are young and are 100 percent sure you want to live with someone.
The perfect time for moving to another country is when you are sure that you know everything about the destination and there is zero chance of surprises or failure.
The best time to get a job is knowing you have all the required qualifications.
The best time for asking a girl out is when you know her well, and you know that she likes you as well.
The best time for writing about an idea is when you are entirely certain about it.
The best time for …

Life of many of us is full of these best times. I wish I had gotten married when I was younger; I missed the best time for getting married. I wish I immigrated to another country when I was young. I wish I started my own business when I was fully sure about its profitability.

The truth is that in the mindset of many of us we might have missed the best time for doing something (But it is never too late to start), and life at any age is worth that we pursue our goals and dreams, even thought it is not the perfect timing. Let alone that this ideal timing of doing something is also questionable itself. Who decides that a particular time is the best time to do something?

Those who wait for opportunities will never meet them. Life is inherently unpredictable, and no one knows until what age and at which moment we will live on this planet.

Don’t wait for the perfect time; the ideal time will never come. It is either locked in past or either comes in your future and you won’t see it until your death.