Train yourself to enjoy doing the hard things

Practice doing the hard things, no matter how much hard and difficult they are or how challenging and demanding the task is, you have to go for it if you want to improve quality of your life.

Ironically, life feels better only if you practice doing hard and unpleasent things rather than avoiding or escaping from them.

You enjoy it more if you suffer more and learn to be frend with that hard work.

School is hard, reading books is hard, working out is hard, working is hard, saving money is hard talking to new people is hard but you don’t have to look at them the same way that most people look at them. The more they do them, the easier they become and the more you feel better about yourself. Unlike other short-term activities that reward very quickly and the more you do them you worse you feel about yourself hard things get easier only over time and by overcoming few first challenging steps. one hour of TV might be fun and entertaining but 10 hours of continious binge watching of watching Game of Thrones can make you sick of life and everything. It makes you feel shitty about yourself unlike doing hard work like wrtiting this new post that more I write the better and clearer I feel and think about myself.

I think a fruitful like is generally painful most of the time with overcoming the diffcult challenges that mother nature throws at you and if you are lucky it can have a few joyful and rewarding moments.

The time that you treat yourself to go to your favorite restaurant after months of hard work and dedication the moment you feel released of intense hard work, whether it is really a hard physical activity or studying hard or saving money hard or anything else that requires you to sit down and spend a serious amount of time doing that.

If life is full of consistent joyful moments it eventually turns into dissatisfaction. As the more you seek pleasure, they higher pleasures you have to seek and each time it gets hard for you to really enjoy any kind of pleasure.

Imagine that you were told that you could have every amount of pizza that you want and also let’s say that pizza is your favorite food. Do you think you would enjoy eating more than 2 or 3 full size pizzas? No matter how much hungry you are and how good the pizza is, you will eventually stop at a certain point and will no longer like it as your favorite food, in fact it can become your nightmare and can be used as torture. But rather it can be more pleasent if you work hard all the day towards what you really like to accomplish and progress in and get that pizza as a final reward of your hard work.

That is why I like to split my day to big chuncks of doing hard stuff and have a few moments in between to rest, eat or listen to my favorite music and when it gets opposite, it really sucks and I feel terrible for spending all day fucking around and not doing anything productive and meaningfull.