Ease the Anxiety

Your brain is the biggest enemy of your dreams. The amount of anxiety that it generates everyday can be the biggest obsticle that you have to overcome in your life if you want to follow your passions and dreams.

If you are going to go over a very hard, long and dengerous path in your life, which is the path of success for many people who have passions to follow in life, you need to overcome the anxiety and fears that your brain generates.

No one knows what danger is in your path of following what interests you, it might be unemployment, loneliness, pain, struggle, failure and eventually disappointment.

But believe me it is better than sitting down and doing nothing and keeping yourself busy with life distractions.

Life distractions can be anything, from alcohol and gambling to video games, porn, drugs, TV and every stimulation that distracts you from what really really matters in life.

Mind this anxiety generator machine, the catastrophizer doesn’t like uncerain situations, I likes to avoid unceratainty and live a predictable life which can’t easily get disrupted. Of course there is nothing wrong with planning future and thinking before any action but avoinding anxiety can lead us to two different and difficult paths:

The path that everyday we make easier and less uncertain which means also less rewarding choices, we choose a partner which we like less but we think is more predicatable and is more a safer option. An individual who choses medicine over journalism becasue thinks that it is a safer bet, while doesn’t go for what he or she thinks is a better and more rewarding option for her.

The more an individual grows the more their uncertainty tolerance most increase, as they become mentaly more resiliance againts obsticles on the path and what they don’t know that might happen on their way.

No one can start any big project with knowing everything planned ahead and most of the people who want to know what will happen next if they make a certain decision, will live most of their life inaction.

While it requires a certain courage to go after your dreams and start any big project, it also requires resiliance, tolerating and dealing with the anxiety of failure and also continuing until you can see the outcome of your hard work.

When I look back at my past, I can see that in a certain period of time, I could have been more resiliant and risk tolerating while I wasn’t and gave up completely on following my bigger life plan.

That was one the reasons I ended up colpletely in a lower situation that I had to start all over again and build my life. I was lucky that I was young and could recover becasue if I was older it would have been harder for me to go back on track.

But what I have learned from life so far is that life gives you a secound chance, another opportunity to recover and start all over again. It sucks, but it is possible. In worse sitiuation of giving completely up, you can find another way out.